September B.A.S.H.
September B.A.S.H.
Thursday, September 21, 2023 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)
Get ready to meet an array of fellow members at our popular monthly networking B.A.S.H. (bring those business cards!) It's all the networking you've come to expect from a great Chamber event, along with great prizes, including our Chamber Prize Drawing (which will be $750)!
This B.A.S.H. will be hosted by The Arc of Washington County, located at 820 Florida Ave. Hagerstown, MD 21740!
Bring your business cards to share with your new connections and to participate in the door prize drawing of gift baskets and a pair of tickets to this year’s Dancing With The Arc Stars provided by The Arc of Washington County!
Purchase tickets for Dancing with The Arc Stars HERE
Sponsor opportunities:
To vote for your favorite pair:
The Arc of Washington County was a finalist for the Non-Profit of the Year award last year during the Business Awards. Founded in 1952, we provide support to over 500 adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Come see our renovated campus! The George & Connie Manger Courtyard was recently completely re-landscaped as part of our building renovation and capital campaign.
There will be Hors d’oeuvres available to all, catered by Applause Caterers. The menu will consist of BBQ meatballs, mini crab balls, mango salsa with chips, fruit cups, and vegetable skewers.
Whiskey Samples will be available from Meinelschmidt Distillery.
Music will be by Nitelife DJ.
Don't miss your chance to win our cash prize drawing! Proudly sponsored by Bank of Charles Town (BCT).
**Members in good standing, be sure to register by NOON the day of the event and be in attendance by 6 pm to be eligible to win.**
$5 for members | $15 for non-members
820 Florida Ave.
Hagerstown, MD 21740 United States
Event will be held in the courtyard between 820 and 840 Florida Ave. There is parking in the front and rear of the building.
71 See Attendee List