A Geology Field Trip through York County, PA
Saturday, May 6, 2023 (8:30 AM - 6:00 PM) (EDT)
Bus trip with geologist, Jeri Jones of Jones Geological Services of Spring Grove, Pa. Travel to York County, Pa. with nine stops throughout central and northern York County. Learn how the Earth’s crust in this region was made and how it changed over millions of years. Stops include a limestone quarry, a major fault in the area, an ancient oceanic ridge, an epicenter of the famous Dillsburg 2008 earthquake swarm, and sand that dinosaurs may have walked over. Opportunities to collect rocks and minerals. Some walking is required. Space limited, pre-registration required. Cost is $63 for members of The Institute, and $68 for the general public. For more information or to register, visit www.natureandcultureinstitute.org, call 717-762-0373 or email to info@natureandcultureinstitute.org.
Waynesboro, PA United States